Dejan Djokic, ed., Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea, 1918-1992, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2003
Dejan Djokic, ed., Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea, 1918-1992, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2003
As its title suggests, this book is an analysis of Yugoslavism and its failure as a concept. It reevaluates the rise and fall of both Yugoslav states (1918-41) and (1943-92) and different theories of Yugoslavism, what the pitfall of those theories were, and how the pitfalls were interwoven with the collapse of both Yugoslavias. The book examines various nationalist viewsand political movements in both Yugoslavias and aims to determine the dominant and secondary factors that caused not only the fall of the idea of Yugoslavia but also its two products, two Yugoslavias. The book is a collection of twenty-two essays organized in five main sections: nations, leaders and institutions, intellectuals, and alternatives. Read more. . .