Publishing Principles and Limitations
Journal of Ottoman Legacy Studies (JOLS ), is an international academic e-journal established to assess the cultural legacy of the Ottoman Empire in the former territories of the Ottoman Empire. The JOLS publishes original research articles in language, literature and history. The JOLS welcomes original contributions that academically assess the “Ottoman legacy” and cover the cultural life during and after the Ottoman Period.
Broadcast Period
JOLS is published electronically three times a year in March, July and November.
1- JOLS publishes maximum 20 articles in each issue.
2– The publication languages of JOLS are Turkish and English.
3– The JOLS publishes previously unpublished original research articles, interviews, and translations, and white papers. Articles submitted to JOLS should not be under evaluation in another publication venue.
4– The submitted articles shall not be longer than 15,000 words including abstract, footnotes, bibliography and appendices.
5- Total number of quoted citations in the articles shall not exceed 10% of the article text, including abstract, footnotes, bibliography and appendices.
6-Deadline for the next issue: Always open
7- Average Review Time: 4 weeks
Fee Policy
Article submission charges and article processing charges is free.