British Artist Thomas Allom (1804-1872) and his Works Related to theOttoman World
19. yüzyıl, oryantalizm, Thomas Allom, gravür, panoramaAbstract
Özet: Bu çalışmada İngiliz mimar, ressam, gravürcü ve panoramist Thomas Allom’un (1804-1872) hayatı, Osmanlı topraklarına gelişi ve Osmanlı ile ilgili eserleri tanıtılacak, 19. yüzyıl İngiltere’sinde gravürlü seyahatnamelere verilen önem ve Osmanlı ilgisi Thomas Allom üzerinden değerlendirilecektir. Bu değerlendirme sanatçının resimlediği Fisher Yayınevi (Fisher, Son & Co.) tarafından basılan Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor isimli seyahatname, Character and Costume in Turkey and Italy isimli kıyafet albümü ve Polyorama isimli sergisinin broşürü üzerinden yapılacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: 19. yüzyıl, oryantalizm, Thomas Allom, gravür, panorama
Abstract: In this study, the life of Thomas Allom, the British architect, painter, engraver and panoramist and his arrival to the Ottoman lands and works related to the Ottoman Empire will be introduced; the importance given to illustrated travel books in the 19th century England, and Ottoman interest will be evaluated through Thomas Allom’s works. This evaluation will be made through the travel book entitled Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor published by Fisher Company (Fisher, Son & Co.) and the costume book called Character and Costume in Turkey and Italy which were pictured by the artist and the brochure of his panoramic exhibition named Polyorama.
Key Words: 19th century, orientalism, Thomas Allom, engraving, panorama